Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Room 1 and 5 continue to work closely together. Each morning both classes participate in a 15 minute fitness run around our fabulous and purposeful running track. Students are improving on their fitness continually and can now run up to 9 laps which is the equivalent of 3.9km.
Rippa Rugby has started again this term for all classes, we look forward to this every week and are getting ready for the tournaments.Copy of IMG_0170.JPGIMG_0350.JPG
Both classes have begun designing their calendar art for week 8, make sure you get your order in quick - they are looking fantastic!!!Room1 are doing 'Under the Sea' and Room 5 have been using Eric Carle's book 'A Blue Horse' alongside marble art as a model.

Looking ahead:Room1 are running assembly in Week 6 and Room 5 are week 8, make sure you are there. We have the Fancy Dress Ball (start planning your costumes!) in Week 9 and The Life Education Trust coming in Week 10. 

Week 4

Room 5                                                                     

This week students will participate in Te Reo on Wednesday and some students will be visiting the local Marae at 2:00 p.m for KapaHaka.  Students are studying the 2012 Olympics as part of their writing programme.  Alphabetical ordering activites have been a big focus during reading. Numeracy we have been looking at ordinal numbers. Calendar Art - you will be amazed at the Calendars when you see them. (No peeking) Fitness is impressive, everyone has improved so much they are looking spectacular!              
Room 1

It is Room 1's turn to add a piece to the Schools Newsletter make sure you read.  Students have Tech this week. There is an assembly on Friday Room 10 will be running it. Students have been creating some amazing  writing. Students have either been writing  a recount or putting a twist on an original myth or legend. Calendar Art - Students voted on the topic and have started their own drafts.          Watch this space!