Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Constable Kendrick

We have been working with Constable Kendrick. She has been teaching us about how to be safe in the car and we had a turn in her patrol car. We annoyed the seniors by turning on the siren and talking through the police radio. Miss Harvey would make a good policeman. Today we went with room 4 and 6 for a walk around Woodville, we learnt about how to cross the road safely. Remember Stop, Look and Listen!!!!! 

Saturday, 25 February 2012


On Tuesday we had our school Triathlon. Congratulations William, Ashantae and Mikarere for participating. We were all very proud watching you against the bigger kids. Children are all encouraged to participate in school events.

Room 5 Supporters

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Our Treaty 

In week one we worked together to make our classroom treaty which we regularly refer back to. We came up with lots of different rules we thought we could use and then cut it back to six which we agreed on.

1. Help other people and share.
2. Sit nicely and listen on the mat.
3. Walk and stay in line.
4. It is OK to make mistakes.
5. Bullying is never OK.
6. Respect each other, ourselves and our property.

We cut out the shapes of our hands to represent the peacocks feathers. Don't you think it looks great?
Introducing Walt

Hi, my name is Walt. I live in room 5 and I have 15 very special owners that love looking after me. I love cuddles but you need to be gentle with me because I am small and I'm still getting used to lots of children. While I welcome and appreciate fruit and vegetables like apples, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes and broccoli, we have to be very careful because foods like potatoes, celery and pumpkin make me sick. I am allowed to run around the classroom (with all the doors shut) when the children are good and I'm good :)   

Fabulous Five